Cellulite Remedy - Revitol Cellulite Cure--Diet's Role,Exercise: Run it off?,Cellulite Creams and lotions ,Liposuction, which extracts fat from under the skin,...
Cellulite Remedy - Revitol Cellulite Cure
The battle against cellulite has been going on since the beginning of time. Cellulite is a kind of superficial fat that is situated just beneath the skin. The area usually looks like an orange peel with dimples. It tends to form on thighs, buttocks, abdomen in post-adolescent women. Cellulite is not directly a function of excess weight, but a genetic difference in the way adipose tissue and connective tissue form. It occurs in people of all races living all around the world.
Diet's Role
Diet has been shown to affect the development and amount of cellulite. Dieting does not get rid of the dimpled appearance, but a balanced diet and exercise may help to reduce the fat content within the distorted cells, reducing their contribution to the dimpling. Diet pills, sleeping pills and diuretics can all lead to cellulite; oral contraceptives, which increase the body's estrogen, cause fat cells to enlarge, leading to water retention.
Exercise: Run it off?
Smoking, lack of exercise, fatty/starchy foods, and sitting or standing in a single position for long periods have all been correlated with an increase in cellulite. Exercise is one of the best ways to fight cellulite. It decreases many health risks, fights cellulite and is equally as important as dieting. Dieting alone does not get rid of the dimpled appearance, but a balanced diet AND exercise may help to reduce the fat content within the distorted cells, reducing their contribution to the dimpling.
Cellulite Creams
Creams and lotions generally reach only the epidermis, or top layer of skin. They are probably popular due to the fact that they are cost-effective and relatively safe; however, it might require some patience for them to take effect on getting rid of cellulite. The better creams contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and ingredients that stimulate blood flow. These creams and lotions have certain active ingredients that absorb into the skin to increase metabolism, condition and fortify the skin and connective tissues, and betters the surface of the skin so it is softer.
Liposuction, which extracts fat from under the skin, is not effective for cellulite reduction and may exacerbate the cosmetic problem. It is rarely effective with surface based fat like cellulite and is more proficient at removing deeper fats from the body which are not trapped in the cells but none of these treatments offer anything but short term relief only. Liposuction is not very successful in treating cellulite and may actually worsen the dimpled skin appearance.
Cellulite is askin condition impacting more than 90% of most post-pubescent women and is very difficult to eliminate completely. But with a some diet and exercise and a good cream and oral system, it can and will be done it you want it.
There are many a cellulite remedy out there, but after our research at the SkinProductReport we have found that the Revitol cellulite cure is tops in it class. Check it out along with many other skin product review at the SkinProductReport.
By Bill Sheers
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Sheers
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