Coloures and Textures for Obese People
There are very few people who have perfect figures. The whole art of dressing is to create an optical illusion that emphasizes the good points and minimizes the weak points. It is here that colours and textures are important if a person is on the heavier side.
To look slim, stripes must be narrow. Bold broad stripes will make you appear broader. Vertical lines create an optical illusion that help you look taller and slender than you really are. When the eye moves in upward direction it gives an illusion of tallness and thinness. When the upward motion of the eye is interrupted by cross wise lines then the object looks shorter and rounder. Besides fabrics and prints select a colour to suit your weight. If you are stout, dark coloured fabrics will make you appear stouter, therefore you should go in for cool colours like blues and greens that tend to recede and make you appear slimmer. Light colours make your figure seem much larger than dark ones. You should use medium colours that blend with the background but do not necessarily define the outline of the figure. For example, you should choose a forest green colour instead of muted grape colour, instead of royal blue a soft rose and instead of bright pink grey.
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