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How To Deal With Somebody's Bad Breath

How To Deal With Somebody's Bad Breath,Offer him a mint.,Cut the conversation short.,Pretend to be busy,Treat him to lunch,Use hand gestures,Tell a friend,Take it or leave it...

How To Deal With Somebody's Bad Breath
Dealing with bad breath could be a frustrating experience. If it were on you, there surely are a lot of ways, methods, and cure available to you. But what if somebody else has it?

And what if that person is so clueless about it? Can you tell him not to talk to you at all? Or would you leave the group because the speaker has bad breath? If you don't know how to deal with it, here are tips you can follow:

1. Offer him a mint.
Mints can provide immediate, although temporary, relief to bad breath. If you know for a fact that you'll be talking to somebody who has bad breath, then better be ready with a candy or two. Offer it at the moment you the person. To be safe, always keep a pack of mints in your pocket. You never know who you will encounter. And you can use it on yourself too.

2. Cut the conversation short.
This may seem impolite but if you can't stand it any longer, think of excuses for you to go somewhere else. Tell him it's an emergency. Or that you have really pressing matters to attend to at the moment and you can't possibly stay longer.

3. Pretend to be busy.
If you can't leave the area try to do something else that would distract the speaker. You can look at your pockets, check your mobile phone, or drop some coins. While this may not stop him from talking, at least he wouldn't have to drag on with his story and get the idea that you're not really interested with what he's saying.

4. Treat him to lunch.

If the person who has bad breath is an important one, like a client or your boss, it is best that you talk over lunch. If it isn't the time for meals, offer to buy him some soda or have snacks with you. That way, you can talk better because the substances in food would react with the saliva in his mouth. That's instant bad breath solution for you. Just make sure that you don't give him anything that could worsen the situation, like raw onions, perhaps.

5. Use hand gestures.
A simple wave of your hand could make the speaker get the idea – especially if he knows that he is suffering from chronic bad breath. While that's a little embarrassing for him, he can rest his doubts on the fact that maybe the hand gesture doesn't mean anything at all.

6. Tell a friend.
You can ask a close friend of the person with bad breath to tell him of his problem. Real friends can count on each other. Hopefully, you can count on this fact too.

7. Take it or leave it.
If you can't stand it, just say it. Although you still must do so politely. Try to find a way to tell a person of his breath condition without embarrassing him greatly. But if you don't have the guts to tell it out to him, then just be a brave soul and withstand it. He can't speak all his life anyway.
By: Cristian Stan
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Creating The Right Skin Care Regime For You

Creating The Right Skin Care Regime For You, body needs to be moisturized, and more so if you have dry skin.. skin firming body creams-a supercharged, multiplex product,

Creating The Right Skin Care Regime For You
To zero in on the skin care products that we really need, we should concentrate on our individual skin care problems, putting any
problems that we have with our skin first. By doing this, we will not have wasted our money on mistaken notions, or frivolous impulse purchases that are not really good for our skin. +Skin is a large percentage of our body, it is the largest organ of our body, it must contribute largely to our overall health. It only makes sense to take good care of it.

We all know that the skin on our face need treatment, plenty of retinal A, moisturizing appropriate for our skin type, broad spectrum sunscreen that covers UVA and UVB rays and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. What about the rest of our body? People with delicate or sensitive skin, along with people with diagnosed skin conditions are more conscious than some of us of their total skin area, due to obvious symptoms that feel bad.

Total skin care is important for everyone. The whole body needs to be moisturized, and more so
if you have dry skin. A person with dry skin should apply their moisturizer more frequently.

The introduction of skin firming body creams on the market has supplied us with a supercharged, multiplex product, that lets us add life and elasticity to our sagging skin. Many of these skin firming body creams are reasonably priced, too. To really take care of your skin, you will want a moisturizing cream and a firming cream. A combination product is good, if you can't find this, simply alternate with one type one day and the other type the next. Or, one type in the morning and one type in the night.

It is now known that the entire skin should be treated with the skin firming cream to enhance the toning and firming of any problem areas, it seems that this procedure of treating the whole
skin is more beneficial to the purpose, than just spot treatments. Peptides, collagen, sodium hyaluronate, rhassoul clay, squalane and evening primrose oil are all good at firming the skin.

An ugly chore, in skin care, that some people, especially women, have, is battling their cellulite. Cellulite is rippled or dimpled skin, usually on the thighs or derriere, that is hard to return to its original smooth appearance. Skin care for cellulite requires massage, certain treatment products, such as seaweed, caffeine, ginkgo biloba and supplements such as salmon oil, or evening primrose oil can help alleviate some of it. If you can locate an endermologie machine, it may help, but it is expensive, each session costs about $125, and you need several sessions to see improvement.

There are so many resources available today on the topic of Skin Care that it can be confusing, time consuming and expensive to come to heads with a product or products that we can really use to our benefit. Narrowing down the products doesn't have to be a harrowing chore that takes until next New Year as this article has shown. And one of the best ways to do this is by using resources such as VideoJug.com, where they will show you everything you need to know about skin care.

By: VideoJug.com

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs: Why Sanskrit And Not Kanji Tattoo Designs?

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs:Compared to Sanskrit, Chinese/Japanese words tend to look blocky** Hindus look at the human body as a creation of God,the Mahabharata or Bagavadgita epics sure looks very impressive.

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs:
Why Sanskrit And Not Kanji Tattoo Designs?

Why Sanskrit tattoo designs? Why not Hebrew or Arabic tattoo designs? Or tattoos in other old languages? Right now, the only competitor to Sanskrit is Chinese/Japanese words used in tattoos.

So why is Sanskrit so popular in tattoo designs? Partly due to the whims and vagaries of fashion, and partly because it looks elegant. Consider the flowing curves joined by horizontal lines at the top. This makes them natural for tattoo designs. Armband tattoos, even tribal tattoos can be designed from Sanskrit words.

Compared to Sanskrit, Chinese/Japanese words tend to look blocky. They just do not flow as well. Mind you, they can represent very complex ideas in very few words. Ancient Chinese and Japanese aristocrats created beautiful and complex poems with just a few words. The most witty of them could create poems with more than one meaning. Unfortunately, all this richness of ideas is lost in the modern world today, where almost no one has the necessary depth of literary and artistic education to appreciate poetic tattoos inked in Chinese/Japanese.

It is no wonder that Sanskrit tattoo designs beat out their Chinese/Japanese counterparts, especially in this part of the world - they just look too darned good!

How Do Indian Religious Authorities View Sanskrit Tattoo Designs?
Like practitioners of other major religions, Hindus look at the human body as a creation of God which should not be defaced with tattoos and piercings. And definitely not using holy scripts.

But while the holy man condemns such mistreatment of the human body, the society around him often has different ideas. Even in India, the home of Sanskrit, piercings in the form of ear rings and nose studs are common, especially for women. While Sanskrit tattoo designs are not widely flaunted, they are present. Rules have even appeared on how these tattoos should be maintained.

For the modern Hindu who wants to sport a Sanskrit tattoo, the area he chooses to place it must be stripped of hair. This area of flesh must never be touched by dirt.

How Does The Public View Sanskrit Tattoo Designs?

Well, in India, tattoos inked in Sanskrit are becoming more widely accepted. You can now see people with one or two religious symbols inked as a tattoo on their flesh. The most popular of the tattoo images is the Om symbol.

Fortunately, the rest of us are not in India. So we are not subject to the same strict set of rules regarding tattoo placement as the Hindus.

A Sanskrit tattoo design quoting one of the stanzas from the Mahabharata or Bagavadgita epics sure looks very impressive. If you understand the real meaning of your tattoo, it can help to inspire you when you are striving to overcome some obstacles in your life.

By: Tim Newton
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com