Dealing With Spider Veins
Spider veins are little clusters of veins which can gather on the thighs, behind the knees and around the ankles.
They may look unattractive but usually have no serious effect.
You may get spider veins if you take the Pill and other causes include alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver, but in such cases they are accompanied by other symptoms.
Tight girdles, garters, and boots don't cause spider vein trouble but it is not healthy to wear them all the time, nor constantly to have legs encased in synthetic fibre tights; legs need to breathe.
Thread veins are really a cosmetic problem and can be concealed by leg make-up applied in upward strokes.
They can be treated by injections of a chemical and although the veins will fade and usually disappear, bruise marks may show for a while.
Surface veins can be prevented from spreading by an electrical treatment that coagulates the blood.
The time required to clear up blemishes of this type depends on how long you have had them; a series of treatments is usually needed, and the blue-purple veins are easier to eliminate than the reddish spider ones.
Veins can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating well and paying particular attention to blood circulation.
To keep the body and skin in good shape and condition requires daily exercise. This is the sort of attention the body requires; not only will shape improve, but added health benefits by keeping circulation at an invigorating level.
By: Jack Prime
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This spider vein are not good for our health and body. This are appear on legs in small patches and than spread in larger area. It is really very important to go for the spider vein treatment for its removal.
spider vein