A Daily Skin Cleansing Routine
Taking care of your body throughout your lifetime is crucial. For some reason, many overlook the importance of puttin
Although it may seem a bit monotonous, you should put together a regimen to follow every day that includes cleansing your skin at least twice a day. While many are not willing to clean their entire body twice a day, it is vital you clean at least your face twice a day. The reason for this is because your face is the most exposed part of your body year-round.
Because of the constant exposure, you have to realize your face is facing elements numerous pollutants on a daily basis. This heavy load of pollutants and oils to your face can seriously damage your skin over time.
This is precisely the reason you want to put together a daily skin cleansing routine to follow. Your cleansing skin care should begin in the morning by washing your face gently with a cleansing solution. You want to make sure you do not wash your face with any solutions that have any abrasives in it.
In addition, try to avoid any skin care solutions that have alcohol or petroleum based moisturizing agents in them. What will end up happening if you use either of these ingredients is your skin will dry up. So what should you use then?
You want to use cleansing skin care solutions that have plant-based moisturizers like macadamia oil or grape seed. These moisturizers will get deep into your skin and leave your skin feeling soft and fresher than ever.
Also within your solution should be powerful antioxidants such as vitamin E. If your solution contains multiple antioxidants, they will work together to destroy skin-damaging free radicals while repairing any damage you may already have to your skin. If you have not been keeping up with your face, chances are there will be damage that needs to e repaired.
Part of your skin cleansing routine should include a nightly clean as well. It is important you wash your face before going to bed to clean off all of the pollutants and oils your face has accumulated throughout the course of the day.
While it is essential you cleanse your face at least twice a day, there is nothing wrong with washing it once or twice in the afternoon as well. This will simply keep your face refreshed throughout the course of the entire day leaving you feeling fresh and clean.
By: Ken J Sharp
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